US women join HFAF

On Saturday 1st July seven American women were admitted into our Fraternity with a view to consecrating a Lodge in Washington DC. They came to us via UGLE where they had originally directed their enquiry. After much correspondence between their leader and the Grand Secretary they eventually travelled to London on the 30th June and were interviewed by the Grand Master and the Grand Secretary. On  the Saturday they took the first two Degrees of our Craft ritual utilising Ambassadors Lodge 13 which will also travel to Washington next year. On Monday 3rd July they returned to HQ to take their 3rd Degree to become Master Masons. Many of the Brethren who had visited India the previous year assisted in these ceremonies as by now they were experts at multiple candidate ceremonies. The Grand Inspector General oversaw all the details of these ceremonies to ensure they ran smoothly. Further brethren will come over in the autumn to be admitted.

Investiture of Provincial Grand Master

On Monday 5th June at Morecambe RW Bro. Brenda Cook was invested as the new Provincial Grand Master by RW Bro Pat Rothwell the outgoing PrGM. RW Bro Cook had previously received her Letters of Patent from the Grand Master at the December Grand Lodge Quarterly Communications in London and been Obligated at the May Quarterly Communications. RW Bro Cook was was pleased to appoint VW Bro. Angela Seed as her Deputy.

Grand Mark

The bi-annual meeting of HFAF Grand Mark was held on Monday 27th March at 402 Finchley Road, London NW2. The Grand Master of the Mark, MW Bro. Christine Chapman was pleased to make several new appointments. The meeting was followed by a tea.

Anne takes the driving seat in Regency/Fidelity

Driving Instructor Anne was Installed into the Chair as Worshipful Master of Regency/Fidelity Lodge No. 40/2 on 26th July. IPM W. Bro. Kim handled the manoeuvre very skilfully to the satisfaction and delight of the assembled brethren. The meeting was held in the Croydon Masonic Centre.

Calahonda celebrates on the Costa

Calahonda Lodge 53 celebrated its 11th year with W. Bro. Jan Owens continuing for a 2nd year as Worshipful Master. The Installation meeting at the Tamisa Hotel in Mijas Costa was attended by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Christine Chapman and the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Irene Stewart who were treated to a beautiful Installation meeting when W Bro. Barbara Green again demonstrated her skill and workmanship in delivering the ritual in a beautiful ceremony of Installation.

The M W Grand Master was pleased to appoint W Bro. Marion Brown as Preceptor to lead the Brethren forward into yet another new Chapter in their history.

Grand Lodge visits Gibraltar

Grand Master Christine Chapman was more than happy to take a special meeting of Grand Lodge to Gibraltar to coincide with the HFAF anual visit to the Rock. The meeting was held to allow Bro Yvette Sanguinetti to be examined in the Master’s work to qualify her to take the Master’s Chair next year and to present two members of Gibraltar 47 and two members of Calahonda 53 to the Grand Master in the customary manner. The Grand Master suggested this meeting as she realised that brethren from Spain and Gibraltar were not always able to visit London at the required times.

This special meeting was followed by the annual Installation meeting at which W Bro Marion Brown installed her successor W Bro Alexandra Schumann. For the past few years members of Calahonda 53 have supported Gibraltar 46 by taking office in both lodges.


The new Commander sets sail

On Thursday 9th June 2016, Bro. Maxine Sherman was memorably Installed into the Chair of Royal Ark Mariners Lodge moored to Keystone Mark Lodge No. 1. The outgoing Commander was none other than our Assistant Grand Master, Hedy-Joy Babani, MBE. The new Commander displayed her usual mastery of the ritual by faultlessly investing her Officers. An entertaining meeting was followed by a very happy Festive Board at our HQ, 402 Finchley Road, London NW2 2HR.

Grand Secretary takes the Chair in Sussex

On Wednesday 1st June 2016, V.W.Bro. Maxine Priestley, our hard-working Grand Secretary was beautifully Installed into the Chair of Sussex Lodge No.17 by W.Bro. Penny Di Cara. The WM has been a member of Sussex Lodge since 2008 when it re-opened after a temporary closure and she has only recently handed over the duties of Secretary to Bro. Margaret Bartlett. An excellent meeting was followed by an excellent Festive Board at the nearby White Hart Hotel in Lewes.

Past DGM takes the reins in Colchester

On Thursday 26th May 2016, the R.W. Bro. Margaret Clarke, the Past Deputy Grand Master, achieved a long held ambition when she was Installed into the Chair of Colchester Lodge No. 31. The ceremony was faultlessly performed by the outgoing Master, V.W.Bro. Peggy Halford. The new WM then invested her Officers in her own unique and inimitable style. Several candidates were proposed for Initiation and it looks as though R.W.Bro. Clarke will have a busy year ahead.

Reta makes her Mark again

Monday 23rd May saw W. Bro. Reta Saxton-Howes  commence a 2nd term of office as WM of Mystic Stone Mark Lodge No. 2. She was beautifully installed by W. Bro. Angela Kaye. Reta then proceeded to invest her Officers with her customary zeal and assiduity. The four Charges, customarily delivered at Mark Installations were received by the Brethren with due appreciation. The meeting was followed by an excellent Festive Board.



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